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Medical Marijuana for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain: How to Talk to Your Doctor

Have you ever discussed cannabis with your doctor? Despite the fact that 29 states plus the District of Columbia have decriminalized the use of marijuana for the treatment of certain medical problems, research published in September 2017 in Drug and Alcohol Dependence found that nine out of ten doctors were unprepared to prescribe it to their patients. “Most doctors don’t know much about it, even in the states where it is legal,” says Rav Ivker, DO, a holistic family physician in Boulder, Colorado and author of Cannabis for Chronic Pain: A Proven Prescription for Using Marijuana to Relieve Your Pain and Heal Your Life.

No Substitute for Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication

It is important to note that among RA experts, there’s a consensus for early, aggressive, and conventional treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). People diagnosed with RA should never use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies in place of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which have been proven effective in altering the course of the disease. No other treatment can stop the inflammation, prevent the joint damage, and reduce the risk of long-term complications that are associated with RA the way DMARDs can.

Can Marijuana Help Treat RA Symptoms?

But what about using complementary and alternative medicine therapies, such as marijuana, in addition to traditional treatment? To date, the medical establishment has largely shied away from treating RA pain with cannabis, citing a lack of evidence. But doctors who prescribe medicinal marijuana to their own patients disagree, saying there is tremendous potential in this form of treatment. There are at least 80 different cannabinoids — chemical compounds that alter neurotransmitter release in the brain — that have been identified. “The most effective ones for medicinal treatment are THC [tetrahydrocannabinol], which is the most psychoactive, and CBD [cannabidiol], which is possibly the most highly medicinal,” says Ivker.

Possible Mechanisms of Marijuana

Advocates say the drug is an effective remedy for chronic joint pain, citing theories on how the herb might be helpful.  “Medical marijuana has two ways it helps with rheumatoid arthritis,” says Matthew Roman, MD, president of Nature’s Way Medicine, an alternative medicine practice in Wilmington, Delaware. People who use cannabis may perceive an anti-inflammatory-like effect, “similar to ibuprofen or an ice pack,” he says. In addition, marijuana may influence immune cells. Research is ongoing.

Cannabis and Chronic Pain

“I have seen more than 7,000 medical marijuana patients, and well over 90 percent of them suffer from chronic pain,” says Dr. Ivker. “THCA [Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid] is another cannabinoid that is not psychoactive, and that’s the one we use most for rheumatoid arthritis.” It can be extracted into a tincture, and it is also available in transdermal patches that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. There are also topical creams and balms that contain CBD that you can rub right into the joints.

Marijuana Dispensary Access, Your State, and Your Doctor

If you live in a state that has legalized medical marijuana and you’re interested in trying it, Dr. Ivker says to ask your doctor to write you a recommendation, which will be authorized by the state. Once that’s registered, you will receive a document that you can take to a medical dispensary to purchase treatments. “But you first have to go through a physician, and there are many who are still reluctant to provide the recommendations,” he says.
Dr. Roman agrees, and advises patients to be bold with their physicians when they discuss this treatment option. “Ask them what their position is on the topic, and tell them that you are interested in trying it.” After all, it is important to discuss any supplement or remedy that you are considering with your doctor before you use it, so she can consider, among other things, potential interactions with the medications you are already taking.  

Does cannabis actually kill brain cells?

To put that longstanding head-scratcher to bed—or at least down for a long nap—The GrowthOp spoke with two medical doctors to better understand how cannabis affects the brain, and if the plant is actually killing brain cells when it's consumed.
Rumours swirling around the health effects of cannabis can get running far faster than the proverbial truth still focused on tying its shoes. However, the reality is that many claims often amount to unsubstantiated chatter at best.
Because there is still limited research on the long-term effects of cannabis use in humans, people interested in learning about everything from digestion to mood, brain function and pain management may feel as though they’re left to their own devices to come up with concrete answers. Consider, for example, the age-old question: Does marijuana actually kill brain cells?
To put that longstanding head-scratcher to bed—or at least down for a long nap—The GrowthOp spoke with two medical doctors to better understand how cannabis affects the brain, and if the plant is actually killing brain cells when it’s consumed.
Short-term consumption is the opposite of harmful
“In the short term, consumption of cannabis can actually have clear medical benefits in terms of depression, anxiety, pain, PTSD and nausea associated with chemotherapy,” says Dr. Ajeet Sodhi, a neurologist based in Thousand Oaks, Calif. “New studies are showing that the CBD compounds also have neuroprotective effects, and have been shown to be beneficial for several neurologic disorders such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis,” Dr. Sodhi says.
While CBD is growing in popularity, it lacks sufficient long-term-use research, cautions Dr. Indra Cidambi, founder and medical director of the Center for Network Therapy (CNT), New Jersey’s first facility state-licensed to provide outpatient detox services for all substances of abuse.
“The medicinal properties of CBD appear promising, but they have not yet been proven,” Dr. Cidambi says. “There is no data that shows that CBD affects brain cells.”
Interestingly, cannabis in the elderly has been shown to improve cognitive health. Researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany discovered that small, daily doses of THC can reverse an aging brain and restore memory. The study was with mice, but it’s a start.

Long-term THC could affect users brains, depending on age

With regard to THC, it’s the long-term effects on the brain that raises red flags for Dr. Sodhi. “[Long-term cannabis use is] suspected to cause memory problems, lack of motivation, tolerance, contribute to worsen paranoia, and certain psych disorders such as schizophrenia,” he says. At this point in time, though, he says there simply aren’t enough studies that offer a definitive answer on whether or not long-term cannabis use affects the brain, and how.

Getting high does not equal killing brain cells

While frequent, heavy cannabis use can cause a dependency or even addiction in some people, as well as the possible aforementioned symptoms, there is some good news. Using marijuana, no matter the frequency, cannot actually “kill” brain cells in adult users, says Dr. Sodhi.
“Getting high is not synonymous with killing brain cells. The high is an altered state produced by the THC, a mild hallucinogen,” he explains. “Neither THC or cannabis ‘kills’ brain cells in the traditional sense, so there’s really no need to quantify damage to the brain.”
The higher the dose—for example, the more smoke a person inhales and holds in the lungs, or how many THC-laced cookies he or she swallows—will create a more intense high for sure, but as Dr. Sodhi points out, this does not cause increased neurotoxicity in the brain; it just makes a person more high.
For young people, however, marijuana and brain health is a different story. The spongy organs inside of children and teens have yet to fully develop.
One study found that those who heavily consumed cannabis as teenagers—and continued to consume into adulthood—lost an average of eight IQ points between the ages of 13 and 38. “More disturbing is the finding that these lost mental abilities did not return fully in those who quit marijuana use, even as adults,” says Dr. Cidambi. “Those who started using marijuana as adults, however, did not show notable IQ declines,” she notes.
“As a result of persistent drug use, the brain’s natural release of dopamine is suppressed and drugs stimulate the release of dopamine. That is how the brain is altered,” Dr. Cidambi explains. “It takes years for the brain to resume normal functioning.
In the interim, the individual addicted to marijuana, or any other drug, is prone to relapse as he or she does not feel normal without stimulated dopamine release from the brain,” she adds.

Remember: weed hasn’t made you stupider

If after blazing for years, decades even, you can’t remember where you left your keys or what you had for breakfast yesterday, it’s not dead brain cells from smoking weed that’s caused that forgetfulness.


Joe Biden Says Marijuana Should Remain Illegal As A Misdemeanor At Democratic Debate

Former Vice President Joe Biden said during Thursday’s Democratic debate that marijuana offenses should be treated as misdemeanors—a position that puts him sorely out of step with every other presidential primary opponent on the debate stage, all of whom are calling for outright cannabis legalization.
“Nobody who got in prison for marijuana, for example—immediately upon being released, they shouldn’t be in there.” he said. “That should be a misdemeanor.”

“They should be out and their record should be expunged. Every single right should be returned,” he said. “When you finish your term in prison, you should be able to not only vote but have access to Pell grants, have access to be able to get housing, have access to be able to move along the way.”


CBD May Take Up The Majority Of Cannabis Industry Sales If Current Trends Continue

CBD May Take Up The Majority Of Cannabis Industry Sales If Current Trends Continue
According to a recent Headset market report, “Understanding the CBD market in state-legal cannabis”, CBD could potentially take up the majority of sales among non-inhalable products in legal cannabis states. If current trends continue, CBD products could even potentially become the majority of sales among the cannabis industry at large.
The data giant revealed insights into the shift in popularity and sales for CBD products, noting the passage of the U.S. Farm Bill as an important catalyst for allowing more people to access cannabis products. The report is quick to note that despite going into the mainstream, hemp-derived CBD products (now purchased at places like CVS Health Corporation (NYSE: CVS) and Walgreens) and cannabis-derived CBD products (traditionally purchased at dispensaries) are to be considered two different things.

Feds Spent More On Marijuana Prohibition In 2018 Than Fighting Domestic Terrorism

Feds Spent More On Marijuana Prohibition In 2018 Than Fighting Domestic Terrorism
The DEA spent $18 million closing yr removing illegal marijuana grows, though it allegedly doesn’t recognize wherein most of the cash went.
Following the tragic shootings in Texas and Ohio remaining week, the kingdom requested what more may be completed to combat home terrorism. Donald Trump became on board to help, promising federal officers “some thing they want” to efficaciously counteract homegrown terrorists. But as VICE News reviews, Trump need to first take a look at the money his management spends destroying marijuana plants.

Here’s How Cannabinoids Quell Anxiety

Here’s How Cannabinoids Quell Anxiety
Cannabis has effective anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) homes, and whilst administered as-wished, can provide alleviation from numerous anxiety problems.
Anxiety, like marijuana, comes with a stigma, but with the increasing impact of anxiety problems on family lifestyles and the economy, it’s no marvel absolutely everyone seems to be looking for a salve.

The courting among hashish and tension disorders exists, however remains absolutely misunderstood. Anxiety offers differently in each patient, and there may be no definitive therapy with conventional capsules, so just believe something as variation because the hashish plant.

The Truth About CBD For Your Pets

The Truth About CBD For Your Pets

A growing number of professionals and pet owners are becoming curious about how CBD can benefit our furry friends, but how do we know if they’re right for our own pets?

This past year you’ve probably noticed an uptick in CBD products for pets being sold everywhere from high-end smoke shops to gas stations. Forecasts predict this trend to continue into 2019.  While there are still questions about the safety and efficacy of these products, a growing number of professionals and pet owners are becoming curious about how CBD can benefit our furry friends.  

Cannabis During Breast Cancer Treatment: What Are The Benefits?

Cannabis During Breast Cancer Treatment: What Are The Benefits?

Well-known organizations like the American Cancer Society have already had frank discussions about the benefits of CBD and cannabis during cancer treatment. 

A cancer diagnosis is a life-changing event. From the confusion of understanding the road ahead to the hectic schedule of treatment protocols and never-ending appointments, many individuals struggle through treatment and beyond.
Amy S., a native of Milwaukee, shared that her breast cancer treatment took a toll not only on her body, but relationships as well.  “Exhaustion was an understatement. I didn’t have the brain power or the patience to give to my children, or my husband.” Amy went on to explain that during particularly difficult chemotherapy sessions, while they were targeting her left breast, she had continuous nausea and insomnia. One bright spot, Amy shared, was that a friend passed her some CBD oil. 

How Cannabis And CBD Can Help Eliminate The Stigma Around Mental Illness

With marijuana use and mental health both wildly stigmatized, perhaps there are solutions in place that are as simple as having a conversation.

Millions of Americans are coping with mental health issues. Often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, those who suffer in silence with mental illness issues often remain silent due to the stigmatization that shrouds depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric disorders.

Two perspectives on cannabis and mental health

Olivia Alexander, the founder of Kush Queens, an online retailer in CBD and Cannabis products, shared recently that she questioned growing a business and leading a team while addressing using cannabis for her mental health. “It’s a hard thing to admit that some days you can’t cope with daily life without cannabis,” Olivia explains online. CBD and cannabis helped ease the symptoms of Olivia’s bipolar disorder and Olivia found that she was more successful using cannabis than without.


Mother shares the heartfelt letters she wrote to her son in the months after he died of a rare kidney cancer - on the same day he married his childhood sweetheart from his hospice bed

A mum who lost her son to a rare kidney cancer on the day he married his childhood sweetheart has released a collection of heartfelt letters she penned in the months after his death in a poignant new book.
Letters To Matthew: Life After Loss was launched this month on what would have marked Matthew Bates' 30th birthday.
The talented young journalist, who had recently graduated from Brighton University, was diagnosed with Type 2 Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma in 2014 - an extremely rare and aggressive tumour that affects only five per cent of kidney cancer sufferers.
But it was more than two years before the severity of the condition became known.
Mum Louise, 60, from Warwickshire, said: 'I noticed when he came home from university he used to drink gallons of squash. 
Louise Bates, pictured with her son Matthew, has released a collection of heartfelt letters she penned in the months after his death in a poignant new book

Louise Bates, pictured with her son Matthew, has released a collection of heartfelt letters she penned in the months after his death in a poignant new book
'I thought this isn't right and he should go and see the doctor, but he didn't really have any other symptoms and, what with one thing and another, it was a couple of years before he actually went.

Cannabis as life saving drug:A real story told by a mother

Cannabis as life saving drug:A real story told by a mother.
A 10-year-old boy had just three days to live after battling a rare cancer which affects one in seven billion people  and was planning his own funeral before cannabis saved his life.
Callie Blackwell, now a cannabis campaigner, told Deryn Blackwell had ‘tried every painkiller, antibiotic, anti-sickness and steroid drug’ when she decided to make her own illegal cannabis-based medicine. Blackwell told, ‘I couldn’t bear watching Deryn in so much pain from the necrosis in his infected three finger.

Cannabis Gum For Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Useful?

Cannabis Gum For Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Useful?
29 States (and DC) have legalized marijuana for medicinal use, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). That means millions of people suffering from chronic pain have access to a new way to relieve their suffering.
Some studies have already shown that inhaling marijuana can relieve chronic nerve pain. One study revealed that the pain symptoms dropped slightly when participants inhaled a marijuana vapor three times per day, according to WebMD.

Cannabis Could Be Reversing Damage to Arthritic Joints

Cannabis Could Be Reversing Damage to Arthritic Joints

Patients report that cannabis puts arthritis into remission, so the Arthritis Society funds the research to find out if it’s true.

There’s good news for the 54 million people who suffer from arthritis: A study commissioned by The Arthritis Society is investigating avenues toward developing breakthrough therapies using medical cannabis.
Canadian researcher, Dr. Jason McDougall, received a Strategic Operating Grant from the organization to complete a three-year study on the ability of cannabis to effectively repair arthritic joints. McDougall is a professor of pharmacology and anesthesia at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and one of the world’s foremost pain researchers.


Woman who took cannabis oil to battle terminal cancer is given all-clear

Woman who took cannabis oil to battle terminal cancer is given all-clear
A 52-year-old mother who took cannabis oil to battle her terminal cancer has been given the all-clear by doctors.
Joy Smith was told she would only have six weeks to live when she was diagnosed with incurable stomach and bowel cancer in August 2016.
In a desperate attempt to defy expectations, she began taking a cannabis oil that contained THC, which is illegal in the UK. She is believed to have bought it online, the MailOnline reported,

Cannabis Cures Cancer and the Government Knows It

Cannabis Cures Cancer and the Government Knows It
Cannabis is labeled by the US Government as a Schedule One Narcotic, meaning little to no known medical value. (Even though the US Govt holds patents that state otherwise) Marinol, which is APPROVED BY THE FDA, is synthesized THC. Millions of people are sitting in jail for using Cannabis raw, but it’s ‘perfectly fine’ to use the plant if the Government and their corporate owners take most of the medicine out of it, then get to charge you an arm and a leg for it. Why is that? I shall explain.
The US Government is well aware Cannabis has medicinal properties.

Cannabis Kicks Lyme Disease to the Curb

Cannabis Kicks Lyme Disease to the Curb
Lyme disease has been controversial for some years. Many medical practitioners misdiagnose it, while several think that it’s mental. With Lyme disease, there are so many symptoms, so many debilitating, agonizing manifestations, that it’s often misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lupus or a mental issue.
Lyme disease is caused by a spirochetal bacteria of the Borrelia genus. Spirochetes are composed of about 40% DNA and have double-membrane envelopes that make them difficult to trace and kill. They’re apparently able to hide in deep tissue and change shapes to disguise their identities.

Research Says Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) May Be Helped With Cannabis

Research Says Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) May Be Helped With Cannabis

The cognitive changes in the brains of people with Down syndrome may be helped by cannabinoid therapy that corrects memory deficits.

Down Syndrome, or Trisomy 21, is one of the main genetic causes of intellectual disability. It has a frequency of 1 in 700 to 1000 live births.  Intellectual disability is displayed by learning and memory deficits that can be pinpointed to occur in specific areas of the brain, called the ‘hippocampus cognitive domains’.
The mouse is the model for the study of trisomy conditions. Trisomy 21 is analogous to Trisomy 16 in mice as the gene loci are very similar. And this is how researchers came to understand how the endocannabinoid system is involved in the regulation of neurological processes that underlie cognitive deficits in Trisomy 21.

Alcohol Shrinks Your Brain But Cannabis Grows New Brain Cells

Alcohol Shrinks Your Brain But Cannabis Grows New Brain Cells

Alcohol and brain health do not go hand-in-hand. Luckily, cannabis can help repair some of that.

It’s easy to see the signals of alcohol damage to our brains, and they start the moment we begin to feel tipsy. The immediate effects of a few drinks start with slurred speech, uncoordinated movements, progressively worse decision making, and memory impairment. Drinking day in and day out compounds these effects, making alcohol one of the most dangerous substances there is. In a side by side comparison using 16 different criteria, alcohol tops them all. It is the most dangerous drug, no matter how you calculate it.

Cannabis Could Be First Line for Migraine Treatment

Cannabis Could Be First Line for Migraine Treatment

Migraine treatment is tricky and patients respond poorly to pharma. Cannabis is the best place to start for every reason covered in this article.

Migraine affects about 18% of women and 6% of men in the US and Europe, and 10% of the population worldwide.  This means 700 million people suffer from this condition at any given moment. Effective and safe migraine treatment can be found in cannabis.
In 2016, the 2nd leading cause of all global disability and 2nd leading cause for neurological diseases was migraine. It costs $20 billion per year with 113 million lost workdays annually.

SKIN-CREDIBLE I hid my psoriasis under make-up for six years – but CBD cannabis oil cured it in weeks

SKIN-CREDIBLE I hid my psoriasis under make-up for six years – but CBD cannabis oil cured it in weeks
A SALES manager claims CBD oil has cleared her psoriasis in just a few weeks – and has shared incredible before and after pictures to prove it.
Sarah Kerr, 23, from Littleborough, near Rochdale, has been battling the skin condition – which causes red, itchy patches of skin to flake away – for six years.
 Sarah Kerr, 23, from Rochdale, says CBD oil has cleared her psoriasis
Sarah Kerr, 23, from Rochdale, says CBD oil has cleared her psoriasisCredit: Sarah Kerr
Sarah hated her skin, which people would mistake for burns, and would slap on foundation to hide the red marks. But make-up only made it worse.